Precision From Start To Finish

What makes our approach Bad Ass

Research & Discovery

Our expert approach begins with an in-depth research and discovery phase, tailored to understand your specific needs and challenges. We delve into the nuances of your operational requirements, leveraging our industry expertise to identify optimal solutions. This meticulous groundwork ensures we're not just offering a machine, but a precise, tailor-made solution that aligns seamlessly with your objectives.


Once we've understood your unique needs, our seasoned engineers at Bad Ass Band Saws take the reins, meticulously crafting a solution tailored just for you. Harnessing cutting-edge technology and a wealth of experience, we develop bandsaws that are more than tools—they're engineered masterpieces designed for precision and durability. With us, you're not just getting a product; you're investing in expertly engineered innovation.


At the heart of Bad Ass Band Saws is our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, where meticulous craftsmanship meets industrial prowess. Here, each bandsaw is brought to life, combining our refined engineering blueprints with the finest materials to ensure uncompromising quality and performance. Our manufacturing process, honed over years of experience, guarantees that every machine we produce stands as a testament to durability, precision, and the Bad Ass legacy.

Install & Delivery

Ensuring a seamless transition, Bad Ass Band Saws takes utmost care in the delivery and installation phase. Our dedicated team meticulously handles each machine, ensuring it's delivered safely and efficiently to your facility. Upon arrival, our certified technicians spearhead the installation, setting up your bandsaw with precision and ensuring it's primed for optimal performance right from the start.

Training & Maintenance

At Bad Ass Band Saws, our commitment extends well beyond the point of purchase. We understand the importance of maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your bandsaw, which is why we offer ongoing maintenance services and unparalleled support. With a team of skilled technicians on standby, we ensure your machine continues to operate at its peak, while our responsive support team addresses any concerns, reinforcing our pledge to your long-term success."

"We are passionate about providing the most precise band saws on the planet"